Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Everett Playing A Long Con, Victimized Both – Stephanie and Jada

 Everett Playing A Long Con, Victimized Both – Stephanie and Jada

Days of Our Lives spoilers - Everett

Complicated love triangles or even quads are no new deal for this sudser, recall Days of Our Lives spoilers. Yet, somehow, the makers have managed to inject some novelty in the current web between Jada, Stephani and Everett/Chad. With even Rafe and Chad involved in the outer circle. But what’s the real truth here? Let’s take a look!

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Jada Rips Into Stephanie, Urges Friend To See The Reality

In a recently aired episode, Jada is stunned to see Stephanie getting all comfy with Everett all over again, recall Days of Our Lives spoilers. Triggered by the compassion her friend was showing their combined ex who betrayed them, Jada decided to unleash hell.

Days of Our Lives Spoilers - Jada
DOOL/ Jada lashes out at Stephanie

The Salem cop questioned Stephanie’s intentions on where she was going with Everett. Sure, Jada’s anger is more directed towards her ex-husband Bobby a.k.a. Everett. But Days of Our Lives spoilers recall that she also let some of it spill on Steph because she believes Everett is still being deceptive and Stephanie is falling for it.

But is Jada really right about it? Everett claims that he has suffered amnesia and does not remember being Bobby. Meanwhile, Jada is adamant that Everett is actually Bobby, the man she was married to. He apparently cheated on her and took Stephanie for a ride too. Before ditching them both, and pulling a Houdini.

Days of Our Lives spoilers - Stephanie - Everett
DOOL/ Is Everett deceiving Stephanie again?

In fact, for all we know, Everett could still be pulling a con. Days of Our Lives spoilers say that he claims to not remember. But what if he is just lying through his teeth and actually remembers everything? It could just be his attempt to escape accountability while still managing to hold on Stephanie.

What do you think? Is Jada right in her stance and Stephanie is making a mistake by getting reeled in by Everett again? Tell us in the comments.

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